Répertoire du personnel enseignant et administratif
Mélanie Bérubé

Professeure agrégée, inf., Ph.D.
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry, local 3486
Téléphone: 418 656-2131 poste 401065
- Postdoctorat en épidémiologie (Traumatologie – Urgence - Soins intensifs), Université Laval
- Doctorat en sciences infirmières, Université McGill
- Diplôme d'études post-maîtrise, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Université de Toronto
- Maîtrise en sciences infirmières, Université de Montréal
- Baccalauréat en sciences infirmières, Université Laval et Université de Montréal
- SIN-6055 Démarche clinique en soins à la clientèle adulte
- SIN-8004 Problématique et devis méthodologiques
- SIN-3111 Pratique infirmière VI
Champs d'expertise
- Soins à haute valeur ajoutée en traumatologie, soins critiques, orthopédie et neurosciences
- La prévention de la transition de la douleur aiguë à chronique et de la consommation chronique d’opioïdes
- Le développement et l’évaluation d'interventions complexes en santé dans les domaines de la traumatologie, des soins critiques et de l’orthopédie
- Le transfert des connaissances à la pratique
- La validation d'instruments de mesure pour identifier la présence de problèmes cliniques
- L’amélioration continue de la qualité des soins
- La création de plateforme web pour l’éducation aux patients et aux professionnels de la santé
Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté
- Développement et évaluation des soins, interventions et pratiques infirmières
- Transfert et utilisation des connaissances
Affiliations de recherche
- Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium
- Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec (Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus) | Axe Santé des Populations – Pratiques Optimales en Santé | Traumatologie–Urgence–Soins Intensifs
- Chaire de recherche du Canada - Critical Care Neurology and Traumatology
- Réseau québécois de recherche en soins palliatifs et de fin de vie
- Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur
- Réseau de recherche en interventions en sciences infirmières du Québec
Fiche du répertoire du corps professoral de l'Université Laval
Articles ou résumés avec comités de pairs
- Moore, L., Freire, G., Turgeon, A.F., Bérubé, M., Malloum Boukar, K., Tardif P-A., Stefox, H.T., Beno, S., Lauzier, F., Beaudin, M., Zemek, R., Gagnon, I.J., Beaulieu, E., Weiss, M.J., Carsen, S., Gabbe, B., Stang, A., BenAbdeljelil, G.E., Yanchar, N. (2023) Pediatric versus adult or mixed trauma centers in children admitted to hospital following trauma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open. Ahead of print.
- Moore, L., Bérubé, M., Belcaid, A., Turgeon, A.F., Taljaard, M., Fowler, R., Yanchar, N., Mercier, E., Paquet, J., Stelfox, H.T., Archambault, P., Berthelot, S., Guertin, J.R., Haas, B., Ivers, N., Grimshaw, J., Lapierre, A., Youngdong, O., Sykes M., Witteman, H., Lessard-Bonaventure, P., Gabbe, B., Lauzier, F. (2023). Evaluating the effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention to reduce low-value care in adults hospitalised following trauma: a protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. Implementation Science, 18: 27.
- Ben Abdeljelil, A., Freire, G.C., Yanchar, N., Turgeon, A.F., Beno, S., Bérubé, M., Stang, A., Stelfox, H.T., Zemek, R., Beaulieu, E., Gagnon, I., Gabbe, B., Lauzier, F., Labrosse, M., Tardif, P-A., Deshommes, T., Gnanvi, J., Moore, L. (2023). Pediatric moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review of clinical practice guideline recommendations. Journal of Neurotrauma. Ahead of print.
- Yanchar, N., Tardif, P-A., Freire, G., Bérubé, M., Stelfox, H.T., Beaudin, M., Stang, A., Beno, S., Weiss, M., Labrosse, M., Zemek, R., Gagnon, I.J., Beaulieu, E., Berthelot, S., Turgeon, A.F., Lauzier, F., Gabbe, B., Moore, L. (2023). Clinical practice guideline recommendations for pediatric solid organ injury care: a systematic review. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. Ahead of print.
- Freire, G.C., Beno, S., Yanchar, N., Weiss, M., Stang, A., Stelfox, H.T., Bérubé, M., Beaulieu, E., Gagnon, I.J., Zemek, R., Berthelot, S., Tardif, P-A., Moore, L. (2023). Clinical practice guideline recommendations for pediatric multisystem trauma care: a systematic review. Annals of Surgery. Ahead of print.
- Bérubé, M., Côté, C., Gagnon, M-A., Moore, L., Turgeon, A.F., Tremblay, L., Evans, D., Berry, G., Turcotte, V., Belzile, E., Dale, C., Orrantia, E., Verret, M., Dercksen, J., Martel, M-O., Dupuis, S., Chatillon, C-E., Lauzier, F. (2023). Interdisciplinary Strategies to Prevent Long-Term Opioid Use Following Traumatic Injuries: A Consensus Study. Pain Medicine, 70:87-99.
- Bérubé, M., Verret, M., Martorella, G., Gagnon, M-A., Bourque, L., Déry, M-P., Hudon, A., Norris Singer, L., Richard-Denis, A., Ouellet, S., Côté, C., Gauthier, L., Guénette, L., Gagnon, M-P. (2023). The educational needs and preferences of adult individuals with pain: a protocol for a mixed-methods systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis. Ahead of print.
- Moore, L., Gagnon, I., Beaulieu, E., Stelfox, H.T., Bérubé, M., Yanchar, N., Labrosse, M., Bertholot, S., Beaudin, M., Klassen, T., Turgeon, A., Lauzier, F., Beno, S., Weiss, M., Gabbe, B., Stang, A. (2023). Clinical practice guideline recommendations for pediatric solid organ injury care: a systematic review. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. Ahead of print.
- Giroux, M., Sirois, M.J., Gagnon, M-A., Émond, M., Bérubé, M., Morin, M., Moore, L. (2023). Identifying quality indicators for the care of hospitalized injured older adults: a scoping review of the literature. Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Terms Care Medicine. Ahead of print.
- Benhamed, A., Batomen, B., Boucher, V., Yadav, K., Mercier, E., Bérubé, M., Bernard, F., Chauny, J-M., Moore, L., Sirois, M-J., Tazarourte, K., Gossiome, P., Émond, M. (2023). The changing face of Canadian trauma patients: a 15-year study of a multicenter trauma registry. Plos One, 18: e0280345.
- Ouellet, S., Galliani, M.C., Gélinas, C., Fontaine, G., Archambault, P., Mercier, E., Severino, F., Bérubé, M. (2023). Strategies to Improve the Quality of Nurse Triage in Emergency Departments: A Realist Review Protocol. Nursing Open, 10: 2770-2779.
- Verret, M., Lam, N.H., Fergusson, D., Nicholls, S., Turgeon, A.F., McIsaac, D., Gilron, I., Chandram, S., Hamtieux, M., Al-Mazidi, A., Fergusson, N., Hutton, B., Zikovic, F., Graham, M., Le, M., Geist, A., Bérubé, M., Poulin, P., Martel, G., McGivar, J., Moloo, H., Lalu, M. (2022). Intraoperative pharmacologic opioid minimization strategies and patient-centred outcomes after surgery. BMJ Open, 13: e070748.
- Bérubé, M., Côté, C., Moore, L., Turgeon, A.F., Belzile, E., Richard-Denis, A., Dale, C., Berry, G., Choinière, M., Pagé, G., Guénette, L., Dupuis, S., Tremblay, L., Turcotte, V., Martel, M-O., Chatillon, C-E., Perreault, K., Lauzier, F. (2022). Strategies to prevent long-term opioid use following trauma: A Canadian practice survey. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 70: 87-99.
- Bruneau, A., Poirier, C., Bérubé, M., Boulanger, A., Gélinas, C., Guénette, L., Lacasse, A., Lussier, D., Tousignant-Laflamme, Y., Pagé, G., Martel, MO. (2022). French-Canadian translation and adaptation of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale: The COWS-FC. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 67: 701-711.
- Moore, L., Bérubé, M., Tardif, P-A., Turgeon, A.F., Lauzier, F., Mercier, E., Cameron, P., Yanchar, N., Paquet, J., Stelfox, H.T. (2022). Validation of Quality Indicators Targeting Low-Value Trauma Care: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study. JAMA Surgery, 157: 1008-1016.
- Moore, L., Bérubé, M., Tardif, P.A., Lauzier, F., Turgeon, A., Cameron P., Champion, H., Tanchar, N., Lecky, F., Kortbeek, J., Evans, D., Mercier, E., Archambault, P., Lamontagne, F., Gabbe, B., Stelfox, T. (2022). Quality Indicators Targeting Low-Value Clinical Practices In Trauma Care: An International Expert Consensus Study. JAMA Surgery, 157: 507-514.
- Côté, C., Bérubé, M., Moore, L., Lauzier, F., Tremblay, L., Belzile, E., Vogt, K., Pagé, G., Martel, M-O., Beaulieu, Y., Perreault, K., Sirois, C., Turgeon, A.F. (2022). Strategies aimed at preventing long-term opioid use in trauma and orthopaedic surgery: a scoping review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23: 238.
- Abiala, G., Bérubé, M., Mercier, E., Yanchar, N., Stelfox, H.T., Archambault, P., Bourgeois, G., Belcaid, A., Neveu, X., Isaac, C.J., Clément, J., Lamontagne, F., Moore, L. (2022). Pre and post transfer computed tomography imaging in Canadian trauma centers: a multi-center retrospective cohort study. Academic Emergency Medicine, 29: 1084-1095.
- Duval, C., Sirois, C., Savoie-White, F., Tardif, P-A., Bérubé, M., Turgeon, A.F., Cook, D.J., Lauzier, F., Moore, L. (2022). Effect of intermittent pneumatic compression in addition to pharmacologic prophylaxis for thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized adult patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care Exploration, 4:e0769.
- Moore, L., Freire, G., Ben Abdel, A., Bérubé, M., Tardif, P-A., Tardif MA, Gnanvi, E., Stelfox, HT., Beaudin, M., MD, Carsen, S., Stang, A., Beno, S., Weiss, M., Labrosse, M., Zemek, R., Gagnon, I.J., Beaulieu, E., Berthelot, S., Klassen, T., Turgeon, AF, Lauzier, F., Pike, I., Macpherson, A., Gabbe, B., Yanchar, N. (2022). Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendations for Pediatric Injury Care: Protocol for a Systematic Review. BMJ Open, 12: e060054.
- Bérubé, M., Moore, L., Tardif, P-A., Berry, G., Belzile, E., Lesieur, M., Paquet, J. (2021). Low value Injury Care in the Adult Orthopaedic Trauma Population: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 75(12): e15009.
- Ouellet, S., Bélanger, G., Bérubé, M. (2021). Interrater Reliability of a Tool Measuring the Quality of Nursing Triages in the Emergency Department. Science of Nursing and Health Practice, 4: 87-100.
- Gagnon, M-A., Bérubé, M., Mercier, E., Yanchar, N., Cameron, P., Stelfox, H.T., et al. (2021). Low-value injury admissions in an integrated Canadian trauma system: a multicenter cohort study. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 75 :e14473.
- Morris, J.L., Bernard, F., Bérubé, M., Dubé, J.N., Houle, J., Laporta, D., et al. (2021). Determinants of Pain Assessment Documentation in Intensive Care Units. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 68: 1176-1184.
- Bérubé M, Dupuis S, Leduc S, Roy I, Tucotte V, Côté C, Grzelak S, Clairoux S, Panic S, Lauzier F. (2021). A Tapering Opioids Prescription Program for Trauma Patients at High Risk of Chronic Use (TOPP-Trauma): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain Management Nursing. 21:S1524-9042.
- Bérubé, M, Martorella, G, Côté, C, Gélinas, C, Feeley, N, Choinière, M, Parent, S, Streiner D. (2021). The Effect of Psychological Interventions on the Prevention of Chronic Pain in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clinical Journal of Pain. 37: 375-395.
- Bérubé M, Moore L, Tardif P-A, Berry G, Belzile E, Lesieur M, Paquet J. (2021). Low value Injury Care in the Adult Orthopaedic Trauma Population: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 75(12): e15009.
- Gélinas, C., Bérubé, M., Puntillo, K. A., Boitor, M., Richard-Lalonde, M., Bernard, F., Williams, V., Joffe, A. M., Steiner, C., Marsh, R., Rose, L. Dale, C., Tsoller, D. M., Choinière, M. & Streiner D. L. (2021). Validation of the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool-Neuro in brain-injured adults in the intensive care unit. Critical Care. 25: 142.
- Gagnon MA, Bérubé M, Mercier E, Yanchar N, Cameron P, Stelfox F, Gabbe B, Bourgeois G, Moore L. (2021). Low-value hospital admissions in an integrated Canadian trauma system: a multicenter cohort study. International Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 75: e14473.
- Idriss-Hassan, A, Bérubé, M, Belcaïd, A, Clément, J, Bourgeois, G, Rizzo, Neveu, X, Soltana, K, Thakore, J, Moore, L. (2021). Derivation and validation of actionable quality indicators targeting reductions in complications for injury admissions. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. doi: 10.1007/s00068-021-01681-5
- Morris JL, Bernard F, Bérubé M, Dubé JN, Houle J, Laporta D, Morin SN, Perreault M, Williamson D, Gélinas C. (2021). Determinants of Pain Assessment in Intensive Care Units. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. 68 :1176-1184.
- Ouellet S, Bélanger G, Bérubé M. (2021). Interrater Reliability of a Tool Measuring the Quality of Nursing Triages in the Emergency Department. Science of Nursing and Health Practice. 4: 87-100.
- Moore, L, Tardif, P-A, Lauzier, F, Bérubé, M, Archambault, P, Lamontagne, F, Chassé, M, Stelfox, HT, Gabbe, B, Lecky, F, Kortbeek, J, Lessard Bonaventure, P, Truchon, C, Turgeon Fournier, A. (accepté). Low-Value Clinical Practices in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: An Umbrella Review. Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Bérubé M, Moore L, Lauzier F, Côté C, Vogt K, Tremblay L, Martel MO, Pagé G, Tardif PA, Pinard AM, Hameed SM, Perreault K, Sirois C, Bélanger C, Turgeon AF. (2020). Strategies aimed at preventing chronic opioid use in trauma and acute care surgery: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open; 10(4): e035268.
- Bérubé, M, Moore, L, Leduc, S, Farhat, I, Lesieur, M, Lamontagne, J, Pelet, S, Berry, G, Paquet, J. (2019). Low Value Injury Care in the Adult Orthopaedic Trauma Population: A Protocol for a Rapid Review. BMJ Open; 10:e033453.
- Poirier C, Martel, M-O, Bérubé, M, Boulanger A, Gélinas, C, Guénette, L, Lacasse, A, Lussier, D, Tousignant-Laflamme, Y, Pagé, G. (2020). French-Canadian Translation of a Self-Report Questionnaire to Monitor Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain: The Opioid Compliance Checklist (OCC). Canadian Journal of Pain. doi.org/10.1080/24740527.2020.1724777
- Bérubé, M., Deslauriers, V., Leduc, S., Turcotte, V., Dupuis, S., Roy, I., Clairoux, S., Panic, S., Nolet, M. (2019). Feasibility of a tapering opioids prescription program for trauma patients at high risk of chronic consumption (TOPP-Trauma): protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. doi: 10.1186/s40814-019-0444-3
- Boitor, M., Richard-Lalonde, M., Bérubé, M., Gosselin, E., Gélinas, C. (sous presse). Vital Signs Fluctuations and their Relationship with Pain in the Brain-Injured Adult Critically Ill- A Repeated-Measures Descriptive-Correlational Study. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Feeley, N., Martorella, M., Côté, J., Laflamme, J., Choinière, M. (2019). A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain Medicine. doi : 10.1093/pm/pnz008
- Martorella, G., Graven, L., Schluck, G., Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C. (2018). Nurses’ perception of a Web-based intervention for the self-management of pain along the cardiovascular surgical continuum of care. SAGE Open Nursing, 4, 1-14.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Martorella, G., Feeley, N., Côté, J., Laflamme, J., Choinière, M. (2018). Development and acceptability assessment of a self-management intervention to prevent acute to chronic pain transition after major lower extremity trauma. Pain Management Nursing. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2018.04.010.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Feeley, N., Martorella, M., Côté, J., Laflamme, J., Choinière, M. (2018). A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention Aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma: Feasibility and Acceptability of iPACT-E-Trauma. Journal of Medical Internet Research - Formative Research, 2:e10323.
- Gélinas, C., Bérubé, M., Chevrier, A., Pun, B.T., Ely, E.W., Skrobik, Y., Barr, J. (2018). Delirium Assessment Tools for Use in Critically Ill Adults: A Psychometric Analysis and Systematic Review. Critical Care Nurse, 1, 38-49.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Choinière, M. Feeley, N., Martorella, M., Parent, S., Streiner, D.L. (2017). The Effect of Psychological Interventions on the Prevention of Pain in Adults: A Systematic Review Protocol. Systematic Reviews, 6:190.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Martorella, G., Côté, J., Feeley, N., Laflamme, J., Choinière, M. (2017). A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention to Prevent Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): Protocol for a Pilot Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research Protocols, 6:e125.
- Bérubé, M., Choinière, M., Laflamme, J., Gélinas, C. (2017). Acute to chronic pain transition in extremity trauma: A narrative review for future preventive interventions (part 2). International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 24, 59-67.
- Gélinas, C., Puntillo, K., Boitor, M., Bérubé, M., Topolovec-Vranic, J., Ramelet, A., Streiner, D.L. (2017). Content validation of behaviours and autonomic responses for the assessment of pain in critically ill adults with a brain injury. Australian Critical Care. doi: 10.1016/j.aucc.2017.10.002.
- Martorella, G., Boitor, M., Bérubé, M., Fredericks, S., LeMay, S., Gélinas, C. (2017). Tailored Web-Based Interventions for Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19:e385.
- Daoust, R., Paquet, J., Moore, L., Gosselin, S., Gelinas, C., Rouleau, D.M., Bérubé, M., Morris, J. (2017). Incidence and Risk Factors of Long-Term Opioid Use in Elderly Trauma Patients. Annals of Surgery. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002461.
- Bérubé, M., Choinière, M., Laflamme, J., Gélinas, C. (2016). Acute to chronic pain transition in extremity trauma: A narrative review for future preventive interventions (part 1). International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 23, 47-59.
- Martorella, G., Gélinas, C. Bérubé, M., Boitor, M., Fredericks, S., LeMay, S., (2016). The effect of tailored Web-based interventions on pain in adults: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 12:59.
- Rouleau, D.M., Place, A., Bérubé, M., Laflamme, Y., Feldman, D. (2015). Rehabilitation after Lower Limb Injury: Development of a Predictive Score (RALLI score). Canadian Journal of Surgery, 58, 278-283.
- Bérubé, M., Albert, M., Chauny, J.-M., Contandriopoulos, D., DuSablon, A., Lacroix, S., MacThiong, J.-M. (2015). Development of theory-based knowledge translation interventions to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based guidelines on the early management of adults with traumatic spinal cord injury. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, doi:10.1111/jep.1234
- Archambault, P.M; Turgeon, A., Witteman, H.O., Lauzier, F., Moore, L., Lamontagne, F., Bérubé, M., Légaré, F. (2015). Implementation and Evaluation of a Wiki Involving Multiple Stakeholders Including Patients in the Promotion of Best Practices in Trauma Care: The WikiTrauma Interrupted Time Series Protocol. Journal of Medical Internet Research Protocols, 4, e21.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Bernard, F., Gagné, A., Laizner, A., Lefebvre, H. (2014). Evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of a nursing intervention program to facilitate the transition of SCI patients and their family from critical care to a trauma unit. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 18, 214-226.
- Robinson, B., Bérubé, M., Barr, J., Riker, R., Gélinas, C. (2013). Psychometric Analysis of Subjective Sedation Scales in Critically Ill Adults. Critical Care Medicine, 41(9, suppl), S16-S29.
- Bérubé, M., Bernard, F., Marion, H., Parent, J., Williamson, D., Albert, M. (2013). Impact of a preventive program on the occurrence of incidents during the transport of critically ill patients. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 29, 9-19.
- Dubois, S., Larue, C., Dubé, V., Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C. (2013). Évaluation de projets d’interventions infirmières: un algorithme pour soutenir la pratique des cliniciens. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 112, 88-93.
Chapitre de livre
- Gélinas, C., Martorella, G., Arroyo-Novoa, CM., Bérubé, M. Puntillo, KA. (2020). Assessment, Prevention, and Management of Pain. Society of Critical Care Medicine. ICU liberation book. Society of Critical Care Medicine, United States.
- Gonthier C, Belcaïd A, Clément, J, Neveu, X, Martin, G, Moore, L, Pelletier, L-P, Truchon, C, Bérubé, M. (2019). Portrait du réseau québécois de traumatologie adulte: 2013 à 2016. 97. Institut National d'Excellence en Santé et en Services Sociaux.
Conférences scientifiques ou professionnelles avec sélection par comités de pairs
- Bérubé, M., Khalfi, A., Turcotte, V., Archambault, L., Belzile, E., Charrette, Y., Genest, C., Hudon, A., Lamontagne, M-E., Martel, M-O., Perreault, K., Perreault, M., Provencher, H., Vasiliadis, H-M. (2023) Mental health after traumatic injury: An exploration of current approaches by health professionals and opportunities for improvement. Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- Bérubé, M., Côté, C., Gagnon, M-A., Moore, L., Tremblay, L., Turgeon, AF., Evans, D., Berry, G., Turcotte, V., Belzile, E., Dale, C., Orrantia, E., Verret, M., Dercksen, J., Martel, M-O., Chatillon, C-E., Lauzier, F. (2023). Interdisciplinary Strategies to Prevent Long-Term, Non-Beneficial Opioid Use Following Trauma: A Consensus Study. Trauma Association of Canada, Edmonton, Canada.
- Moore, L., Freire, G., Yancher, N., Bérubé, M., Tardif, P-A., Stelfox, H., Beaudin, M., Stang, A., Beno, S., Weiss, M.J., Labrosse, M., Gagnon, I., Beaulieu, E., Turgeon, A.F., Lauzier, F., Gabbe, B., Carsen, S. (2023). Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendations in Pediatric Orthopaedic Injury Care: A Systematic Review. Trauma Association of Canada, Edmonton, Canada.
- Boulet, J., Belzile, E., Dion, N., Morency, C., Bérubé, M., Tremblay, A., Beauchamp-Chalifour, P., Pelet, S. (2023). Palliative care in the setting of a hip fracture in the elderly population. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Calgary, Canada.
- McGennis, M-E., Bérubé, M. (2023). Exploration des stratégies pharmacologiques et non pharmacologiques de soulagement de la douleur après un neurotraumatisme. Congrès annuel de traumatologie du CHU de Québec-Laval University, Québec, Canada.
- Beaudoin, M., Bérubé, M. (2023). Évaluation de l’implantation des meilleures pratiques en matière de soulagement de la douleur et de mobilisation précoce dans l’objectif de prévenir le délirium chez la clientèle de traumatologie gériatrique. Congrès annuel de traumatologie du CHU de Québec-Laval University, Québec, Canada.
- Boulet, J., Belzile, E., Dion, N., Morency, C., Tremblay, A., Bérubé, M., Pelet, S. (2023). Soins palliatifs chez la population gériatrique avec fracture de la hanche, quel patient en bénéficierait le plus?. Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie, Montréal, Canada.
- Severino, F., Bérubé, M., Galliani, M.C. (2023). Évaluation des transferts interhospitaliers en ambulance au départ des unités d'urgence. Conseil International des Infimières, Montreal, Canada.
- Gélinas, C., Wang, C., Richard-Lalonde, M., Houle, J., Bérubé, M. (2023) Persistent pain in adult survivors from the intensive care unit (ICU): How are they doing at 3 months post-discharge? International Council of Nurses, Montreal, Canada.
- Tremblay, A., Bérubé, M., Belzile, E., Morency, C., Dion, N., Gauthier, L., Tapp, D., Pelet, S. (2023). Strategies to improve end-of-life decision and palliative care following hip fracture in patients with terminal illness: a scoping review. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Calgary, Canada
- Audet, C., Bertrand, C., Martel, M-O., Pinard, A-M., Bérubé, M., Lacasse, A. (2023). Breaking down silos of medical and non-medical cannabis: A Quebec study about use in people living with chronic pain. Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids. Toronto, Canada
- Lacasse, A., Nguena Nguefack H.L., Sharif, R., Bérubé, M., Audet, C., Julien, N. (2023). Real-world pain relief trajectories among persons using cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain. Canadian Pain Society, Banff, Canada
- Turcotte, V., Lévesque, P., Bérubé, M. (2022). Epidemiology of hospitalizations secondary to intentional injuries during the Covid-19 pandemic in Quebec. Canadian Injury Prevention Conference, Vancouver, Canada
- Boivin, A., Bérubé, M. (2022). Sélection de stratégies de transfert des connaissances pour la mise en oeuvre de stratégies non-pharmacologiques visant à prévenir le délirium en soins intensifs. Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l'espace francophone, Ottawa, Canada
- Ouellet, S., Bélanger, G., Bérubé, M. (2022). Fiabilité inter-juges d'un outil mesurant la qualité des triages infirmiers dans le service des urgences. Le Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l'espace francophone, Ottawa, Canada
- Côté, C., Bérubé, M. (2022). L’intégration des services pour prévenir l’utilisation prolongée d’opioïdes à la suite blessures traumatiques. Le Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l'espace francophone, Ottawa, Canada
- Bosc, A., Bérubé, M., Roch, G. (2022). Interventions infirmières visant l’humanisation des soins pour atténuer le syndrome post soins intensifs: protocole d’une revue réaliste. 89e congrès de l’Association canadienne française pour l’avancement des sciences (ACFAS), Québec, Canada
- Ouellet, S., Bérubé, M., Gallani, M.C., Gélinas, C. (2022). Revue réaliste des stratégies visant à améliorer la qualité des triages infirmier dans les services d’urgences. 89e congrès de l’Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences (ACFAS), Québec, Canada
- Moore, L., Bérubé, M., Tardif, P.A., Lauzier, F., Turgeon, A., Cameron P., Champion, H., Tanchar, N., Lecky, F., Kortbeek, J., Evans, D., Mercier, E., Archambault, P., Lamontagne, F., Gabbe, B., Stelfox, T. (2022). Low value practices in trauma care: An evidence-based consensus study. Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Jean Isaac, C., Moore, L., Bérubé, M., Malo, C., Giroux, M., Belcaid, A., Dionne C. (2022). Predictors of adverse outcome in elders hospitalized for isolated orthopedic injuries: a multicenter cohort study. Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Charyk Steward T., Lakha, N., Milton, L., Bérubé, M. (2022). Current trauma team activation processes at Canadian trauma centres: a national survey. (Oral presentation). Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Gagné, B., Gloaguen, G., Bouffard, M., Béland, S., Choinière, M., Gagliese, L., Pagé, G., Bérubé M., Bouchard, M., Kroger, E., Kudrina, I., Lacasse, A., Martel, M-O., McGarragle, K., Panagopoulos, W., Peter, K., Perez, J., Schneider, C., Tapp, D., Gauthier, L.R. (2022). A scoping review of the definitions and measurement of cancer pain management adequacy. Canadian Pain Society annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Bérubé, M., Côté, C., Moore, L., Turgeon, AF., Dale, C., Berry, C., Choinière, M., Wood, D., Guénette, L., Dupuis, S., Tremblay, L., Turcotte, V., Martel, MO., Perreault, M., Perreault, K., Lauzier, F. (2022). Current use and perceived effectiveness of strategies to prevent long-term opioid therapy following trauma: A Practice Survey. Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Olachodjoumi, G., Bérubé, M., Clément, J., Stelfox, T., Archambault, P., Lamontagne, F., Moore, L. (2022). Pre and post transfer computed tomography imaging in Canadian trauma centers: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Grzelak, S., Bérubé, M., Gagnon, M.A., Côté, C., Turcotte, V., Pelet, S., Belzile. (2022). Implementation of pain management strategies and adverse effects of analgesics after orthopedic trauma: A Mixed-Methods Study with A View to Optimizing Practices. 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of National Association of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Lisbon, Portugal
- Moore, L., Bérubé, M., Tardif, P.A., Lauzier, F., Turgeon, A., Cameron P., Champion, H., Tanchar, N., Lecky, F., Kortbeek, J., Evans, D., Mercier, E., Archambault, P., Lamontagne, F., Gabbe, B., Stelfox, T. (2022). Quality Indicators Targeting Low-Value Clinical Practices in Trauma Care: An Expert Consensus Study. 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of National Association of Orthopaedic and Traumatology., Lisbon, Portugal
- Beaudoin, M., Bérubé M. (2022). Évaluation de l’implantation des meilleures pratiques en matière de soulagement de la douleur et de mobilisation précoce dans l’objectif de prévenir le délirium chez la clientèle de traumatologie gériatrique. Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l'espace francophone, Ottawa, Canada
- Beaudoin, M., Bérubé, M., Racicot, M., Gagnon M-A., Trépanier, D., Malo, C., Belzile, E. (2022). Evaluation of the implementation of best practices for pain management to prevent delirium following geriatric trauma. World Congress on Pain, Toronto, Canada
- Kagie, R., Richard-Lalonde, M., Shahiri, T.S., Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C. (2022). How does sex play into opioid consumption and satisfaction with pain treatment in ICU patients? World Congress on Pain, Toronto, Canada
- Bérubé, M., Côté, C., Derksen, J., Turcotte, V., Dupuis, S., Martel, M-O. (2022). Selection of interdisciplinary strategies to prevent long-term opioid use following trauma: A consensus study. World Congress on Pain, Toronto, Canada
- Bérubé, M., Côté, C., Moore, L., Turgeon, A.F., Belzile, E., Richard Denis, A., Dale, C., Berry, G., Choinière, M., Pagé, M., Evans, D., Wood, D., Guénette, L., Dupuis, S., Tremblay, L., Turcotte, V., Martel, M-O., Chatillon, C-E., Perreault, K., Lauzier, F. (2022). Level of implementation and perceived effectiveness of strategies to prevent long-term opioid therapy following trauma: A Canadian practice survey. World Congress on Pain, Toronto, Canada
- Boivin, A., Bérubé, M. (2022). Development of knowledge translation strategies to implement nonpharmacological recommendations to prevent delirium in the ICU. American Delirium Society annual meeting, Minneapolis, USA
- Gélinas, C., Richard-Lalonde, M., Ferland, C., Bérubé, M. (2022). What are the most frequent and distressful side effects for postoperative pain management as reported by hospitalized patients? Canadian Pain Society annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Kagie, R., Richard-Lalonde, M., Bérubé, M., Choinière, M., Morin, S., Gélinas, C. (2022). Similar pain in female and male patients at discharge from the intensive care unit: A multi-site study. Canadian Pain Society 2022 annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Bérubé, M., Cloutier, S., Côté, C., Belzile, E., Dale, C., Guénette, L., Turcotte, V., Verret, M., Lauzier, F. (2022). Environmental scan and quality assessment of online continuing education modules offered to healthcare professionals for the judicious prescribing of opioids. Canadian Pain Society annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Gélinas, C., Richard-Lalonde, M., Ferland, C., Bérubé, M. (2022) What are the most frequent and distressful side effects for postoperative pain management as reported by hospitalized patients?. Canadian Pain Society annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Grzelak, S., Bérubé, M., Gagnon, M.A., Côté, C., Turcotte, V., Pelet, S., Belzile, E. (2022). Implementation of pain management strategies and adverse effects of analgesics after orthopedic trauma: A Mixed-Methods Study With A View To Optimizing Practices. Canadian Pain Society annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Isaac, C., Moore, L., Godwill, A., Bérubé, M., Belcaïd, A., Dionne, C. (2022). Predictors of adverse outcomes in elders hospitalized for isolated orthopedic trauma: a multicenter cohort study. Critical Care Canada Forum, Toronto, Canada
- Beaudoin, M., Bérubé, M., Racicot, M., Gagnon, M.A., Belzile, E. (2022). Evaluation of the implementation of best practices for pain management and early mobilization to prevent delirium following geriatric trauma. Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Montreal, Canada
- Isaac, C., Moore, L., Godwill, A., Bérubé, M., Belcaïd, A., Dionne, C. (2022). Predictors of adverse outcomes in elders hospitalized for isolated orthopedic trauma: a multicenter cohort study. 39e conférence annuelle de l’Association des Médecins d’Urgence du Québec, Montréal, Canada
- Brunet, L, Gerges, R.A, Costerousse, O, Lauzier, F, Zarychanski R, Moore, L, Francoeur C, English, S., Bérubé, M, Turgeon, A.F. (2021). Predictive value of tau protein for prognosis in patients with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care Canada Forum virtual conference.
- Turgeon, J, Gerges, R.A, Costerousse, O, Lauzier, F, Zarychanski, R, Francoeur, C, Jeg Abiala, O, Moore, L, Bérubé, M, Turgeon, A.F. (2021). Prognostic value of Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L-1 (UCHL1) in patients with moderate or severe traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care Canada Forum virtual conference.
- Bérubé, M. (2021). Preventing. Long Term Opioid Use Following Trauma: Filling the Research Gap. Trauma Association of Canada virtual conference.
- Bérubé, M. (2021). Prévenir la transition de la douleur aiguë à chronique chez les survivants des soins intensifs: est-ce possible? Première conférence virtuelle du Regroupement des Infirmières et Infirmiers en Soins Intensifs du Québec.
- Côté, C., Bérubé, M. (2021). Strategies aimed at preventing long-term opioid use in trauma and orthopaedic surgery. Trauma Association of Canada virtual conference.
- Idriss-Hassen, A., Bérubé, M., Belcaïd, A., Clément, J., Bourgeois, G., Rizzo, C., et al. (2021). Derivation and validation of actionable quality indicators targeting reductions in complications for injury admissions (poster). Trauma Association of Canada virtual conference.
- Grzelak, S., Bérubé, M., Gagnon, M.A., Pelet, S., Belzile, E. (2021). Pain Management Strategies after Orthopaedic Trauma in a Level 1 Trauma Center : A Descriptive Study with a View of Optimizing Practices (poster). Trauma Association of Canada virtual conference
- Morris, J.L., Bernard, F., Bérubé, M., Dubé, J.N., Houle, J., Laporta, D., et al. (2021). Determinants of Pain Assessment Documentation in Intensive Care Units (poster). World Congress on Pain – virtual conference, IASP.
- Bérubé, M, Martorella, G, Gélinas, C, Côté, C, Feeley, N, Choinière, M, Parent, S, Streiner, DL. (2020). The effect of psychological interventions on the prevention of chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 18th World Congress on Pain, IASP, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Shahiri S, Bernard, M, Bérubé, M, Choinière, M, Dubé, JN, Houle, J, Laporta, D, Morin, S, Perreault, M, Richard-Lalonde M, Tousignat-Laflamme, Y, Tsoller, D, Williams, V, Williamson, D, Gélinas, C. (2020) Predictors of Pain Intensity in Critically Ill Adults at their Discharge from the Intensive Care Unit. 18th World Congress on Pain, IASP, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Bérubé, M, Moore, L, Leduc, S, Lesieur, M, Lamontagne, J, Pelet, S, Berry, G, Tardif, P-A, Côté, C, Paquet, J. (2020). Low-value initial diagnostic imaging in the adult orthopaedic trauma population: a comprehensive evidence map. Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Halifax, Canada.
- Côté, C, Bérubé, M. (2020). Strategies aimed at preventing chronic opioid use after trauma: a scoping review. European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Oslo, Norway.
- Bérubé, M. (2020). Evidence-based strategies for the prevention of chronic pain after traumatic injuries. European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Oslo, Norway.
- Fortin, M-A, Moore, L, Bérubé, M. (2020). Low-value hospitalizations following injury: a multi-center cohort study. Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Halifax, Canada
- Bérubé, M, Leduc, S, Roy, I, Dupuis, S, Turcotte, V, Côté C, Cléroux, S, Panic, S. (2020). Tapering opioids to prevent chronic use in high-risk trauma patients: Is it possible? Trauma Association of Canada annual meeting, Halifax, Canada
- Morris J, Bernard F, Bérubé M, Dubé JN, Houle J, Laporta D, Moring SN, Perreault M, Williamson D, Gélinas C.(2020). Determinants of Pain Assessment Documentation in Intensive Care Units. Canadian Pain Society annual meeting, Calgary, Canada.
- Bérubé, M., Leduc, S., Roy, I., Dupuis, Turcotte, V., Clairoux, S., Panic, S. & Nolet, M. (2019). Feasibility of a Tapering Opioids Prescription Program for High Risk Trauma Patients (TOPP-Trauma). 10e conférence annuelle de l'Institut canadien de recherche sur la santé des militaires et des vétérans. Ottawa-Gatineau, 21-23 octobre.
- Gélinas, C., Richard-Lalonde M., Bernard, F., Bérubé, M., Charbonney, E., Dubé, J.N., …Choinière, M. (2019). Description of pain assessment documentation practices in adult intensive care units: Room for improvement! (affiche). 40h Canadian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Toronto, Canada, 2-5 avril.
- Bérubé, M., Pasquotti, T., Klassen, B., Brisson, A., Tze, N. (2019). Implementation of the Best Practice Guidelines on Geriatric Trauma Care: A Canadian Perspective (affiche). Trauma Association of Canada Annual Scientific Meeting. Calgary, Canada, 27 février au 1er mars.
- Bérubé, M., Turcotte, V., Valiquette, M.P., Bernard, F., Giroux, M., Gagné, A., Gélinas, C. (2019). Validation of an Adaptation of the Standardized Swallowing Assessment Tool in Patients with Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Cervical Spinal Cord Injury (affiche). Trauma Association of Canada Annual Scientific Meeting. Calgary, Canada, 27 février au 1er mars 2019.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Martorella, G., Feeley, N., Côté, J., Laflamme, G.-Y., … Choinière, M. (2018). A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (affiche). 34th Annual Meeting of the Orthopadic Trauma Association, Orlando, États-Unis, 17-20 octobre.
- Bérubé, M. (2018). Feasibility and acceptability of a web-based and in-person self-management intervention aimed at preventing chronic pain after major lower extremity trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma) (présentation orale). Congrès interprofessionnel de traumatologie. Montréal, Canada, 28 septembre.
- Bérubé, M., Heppell, S. (2018). L’infirmière praticienne en soins aux adultes: Un rôle attendu pour améliorer la pratique en traumatologie (présentation orale). Congrès interprofessionnel de traumatologie. Montréal, Canada, 28 septembre.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Martorella, G., Feeley, N., Côté, J., Laflamme, G.-Y., Choinière, M. (2018). A Hybrid Web-Based and In-Person Self-Management Intervention aimed at Preventing Acute to Chronic Pain Transition After Major Lower Extremity Trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (affiche). 17th World Congress on Pain, International Association for the Study on Pain (IASP). Boston, États-Unis, 12-16 septembre.
- Gélinas, C., Bérubé, M., Puntillo, K. A., Boitor, M., Richard-Lalonde, M., Bernard, F., Williams, V., Joffe, A. M., Steiner, C., Marsh, R., Rose, L., Dale, C., Tsoller, D. M., Choinière, M., & Streiner, D. L. (2018). Validation of the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool-Neuro for pain assessment in brain-injured adult patients in the intensive care unit. Poster presentation, 17th World Congress on Pain, IASP. Boston, États-Unis, 12-16 septembre.
- Gélinas, C., Richard-Lalonde, M., Bérubé, M., Williams, V., Tsoller, D. M., Bernard, F. (2018). Nurses’ evaluations of the feasibility and acceptability of the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool-Neuro for pain assessment in brain-injured adult patients in the intensive care unit (affiche). 17th World Congress on Pain, IASP. Boston, États-Unis, 12-16 septembre.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Feeley, N., Martorella, G., Gélinas, C., Martorella, G., Feeley, N., Côté, J., Laflamme, G.-Y., … Choinière, M. (2018). Feasibility and acceptability of aweb-based and in-person self-management intervention aimed at preventing chronic pain after major lower extremity trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma) (affiche). 39th Canadian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Montréal, Canada, 22-25 mai.
- Bérubé, M. (2018). Approche multimodale de soulagement de la douleur en trauma orthopédique. Journée scientifique interdisciplinaire: Données probantes en réadaptation orthopédique (présentation orale). CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-de-Montréal, 4 avril.
- Bérubé, M., Deslauriers, V., Leduc, S. (2018). The Tapering Opioids Prescription Program for Trauma Patients at High Risk of Chronic Consumption (TOPP-Trauma): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (présentation orale). Trauma Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 22-23 février.
- Bérubé, M. (2017). Clinicians’ and patients’ acceptability assessment of a self-management intervention (iPACT-E-Trauma) to prevent the acute to chronic pain transition after major lower extremity trauma (présentation orale). 3rd Trauma and Critical Care Congress, Londre, Angleterre, 13-14 Mars.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Martorella, G., Feeley, N., Côté, J., Laflamme, G.-Y., … Choinière, M. (2017). Clinicians’ and patients’ acceptability assessment of a self-management intervention (iPACT-E-Trauma) to prevent the acute to chronic pain transition after major lower extremity trauma (affiche). Trauma Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 23-24 février.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C., Feeley, N., Martorella, G., Côté, J., Laflamme, G.-Y., … Choinière, M. (2016). Clinicians’ Acceptability evaluation of a Chronic Pain Preventive Intervention AfterExtremity Trauma (affiche). 37th Annual Canadian Pain Society Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 25-26 mai.
- Gélinas, C., Boitor, M., Topolovec-Vranic, J., Choinière, M., Bérubé, M., Bernard, F., Joffe, A., Ramelet, A.S., Puntillo, K. & Streiner, D. (2016). Content validation of behaviors and autonomic responses on a pain assessment tool for critically ill adult with brain injury (affiche). 37th Annual Canadian Pain Society Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 25-26 mai.
- Feeley, N., Lambert, S., Bérubé, M., Genest, C. (2016). Nursing Intervention Development Research: The Process in Four Different Contexts (présentation orale). Évènement RRISIQ, Montréal, Canada, 10 novembre.
- Bérubé, M. (2016). Acute to Chronic Pain Transition: Involved Biopsychosocial Factors and Preventive Interventions (présentation orale. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons – Nursing and Allied Health Program. Orlando, États-Unis, 1-5 mars.
- Côté, J., Ramirez-Garcia, P, Godin, G, Géhénec, Y.G., Hernandez, A. and the conceptors of TAVIE intervention (Auger, P., Beadet, L., Bérubé, M., et al.) (2016). Concept et plateforme informatique TAVIE: déploiement d’une pratique infirmière virtuelle au service de la gestion des maladies chroniques. 1er Forum Franco - Québécois d’Innovation en Santé. Montréal, Canada, 11-12 Octobre.
- Kairy, D., Bussières, A., Gagnon, C., Allaire, A.-S., Messier, F., Lamontagne, M.-E., Brière, A., Bérubé, M., Laramée, M.T., Lemay, J.F., Préville, K., Voyer, M.A (2015). Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in Traumatology Continuums of Care: A Multi-Site Assessment (affiche). 92nd Annual Conference of the American College of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM). Dallas, États-Unis, 25-30 octobre.
- Bérubé, M., Gélinas, C. (2015). La transition de la douleur aiguë à chronique post-trauma orthopédique: Facteurs impliqués et interventions infirmières potentielles (présentation orale). Congrès Mondial du Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l’espace francophone (SIDIIEF). Montréal, Canada, 3 juin.
- Bérubé, M. (2015) Développement d’interventions de transfert des connaissances basées sur la théorie visant à faciliter l’application de guides cliniques concernant les soins aux personnes avec lésion médullaire traumatique en phase aiguë (présentation orale). Congrès Mondial du SIDIIEF–Mobilisation des connaissances aux services des patients - Journée préconférence. Montréal, Canada, 31 mai.
- Bérubé, M. (2014). The transition from acute to chronic pain following extremity orthopaedic trauma: pathophysiology and potential preventive nursing interventions (présentation orale). World Congress in Orthopaedics: New Era of Orthopaedic Innovation and Breakthrough. Xi’an, Chine, 14-17 septembre.
- Bérubé, M. (2014). Nursing Perspectives: Feedback about barriers to implementing a wiki trauma-based reminders (présentation orale). Reflective days on Wiki Trauma. Université Laval, Québec, 12-13 mai.
- Bérubé, M. (2014) Douleur un jour…douleur toujours? (présentation orale). Congrès interprofessionnel de traumatologie. Montréal, Canada, 26 septembre.
- Bérubé, M. (2014). Programme de formation en ligne concernant les soins aux personnes blessées médullaires en soins aigus: emphase sur l’évaluation neurologique et le soulagement de la douleur (présentation orale). Congrès interprofessionnel de traumatologie. Montréal, Canada, 26 septembre.
- Bérubé, M., Albert, M., Contandriopoulos, D., Chauny, J.-M., DuSablon, A., Lacroix, S., … MacThiong, J. (2014). Development and implementation of a knowledge translation program to optimize the early management of SCI patients (affiche). National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, États-Unis, 16-17 mai.
- Bérubé, M. (2014). Best things that happened in trauma nursing - A review (présentation orale). Trauma Association of Canada Annual Meeting. Montréal, Canada, 10-11 avril.
- Bérubé, M., Nolet, M. (2013). Ensuring safe multimodal pain management in context of Joint Arthroplasty (présentation orale). Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association and International Collaboration of Orthopaedic Nursing conference. Vancouver, Canada, 27-29 mai.
- Bérubé, M., Malo, M., Labri, S. (2013). Facilitating early mobilization and wound care following total knee arthroplasty using an acrylic absorbent dressing (affiche). Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association and International Collaboration of Orthopaedic Nursing conference. Vancouver, Canada, 27-29 mai.
- Excellence des pairs examinateurs. Collège des examinateurs des Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada - Concours de subventions de projets
- Prix de la meilleure affiche scientifique - Polytraumatisme, blessures aux membres inférieurs, varia: Pain Management Strategies Following Orthopaedic Trauma: A mixed methods study to optimize practice. Annual meeting of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Prix du meilleur poster scientifique : Selection of knowledge translation strategies for the non-pharmacological prevention of delirium in the intensive care unit. American Delirium Association Annual Meeting
- Meilleure présentation orale : Strategies for preventing long-term opioid use following trauma: A survey of Canadian practice. Trauma Association of Canada Annual Meeting
- Prix d'excellence en recherche - Jeune chercheuse 2021 de la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l'Université Laval
- Première place au concours de recherche Rassembler, réaliser, rayonner du Réseau Québécois de Recherche sur la Douleur
- Prix de la meilleure affiche au congrès Trauma Association of Canada pour: Implementation of the Best Practice Guidelines on Geriatric Trauma Care: A Canadian Perspective
- Sélection par l’Université McGill comme faisant partie des 5% meilleures étudiantes au doctorat en sciences de la santé.
- Nomination de leader dans la profession Infirmière par l’Ordre régional des infirmières et infirmiers de Montréal/Laval.
2014 - 2017
- Elileen Peters Fellowship Award. Bourse décernée par l’Université McGill à un étudiant, préférablement de sexe féminin, de la Faculté de médicine ou de l’École des sciences infirmières démontrant de grandes habiletés académiques et exerçant un rôle de leader dans sa profession.
- Prix d’Excellence en Sécurité des Soins Gilles Hudon de la Fédération des Médecins Spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ). Ce prix est destiné à honorer des individus d’exception ou des projets innovateurs qui ont permis d’améliorer les soins.
- Prix reconnaissance du 40e anniversaire de l’affiliation de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal avec l’Université de Montréal pour souligner la contribution exceptionnelle d’une infirmière aux activités de recherche.
- Université McGill. Graduate Excellence Fellowship en reconnaissance de l’excellence académique au programme de doctorat en sciences infirmières.
- Prix Florence de la Relève décerné par l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ). Ce prix souligne la contribution exceptionnelle d’une jeune infirmière, de moins de 10 ans d’expérience, qui s’est illustrée dans ses études, son travail et son engagement professionnel en ayant une influence positive sur ses pairs.